Student Advisory Council Mission Statement

The HPSA Student Advisory Council (SAC)  provides a student voice to the HPSA board and management and ensures that HPSA activities and programs offer the best possible support to all students.

Current undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate students can join the HPSA SAC for a one-year term and reapply annually until they have completed their education.

Student Advisory Council Standard Operating Procedures

  1. Student Advisory Council Membership and Organization
    1. Council is made up of current undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate students. All pre-health professional and health professional students are welcome. The SAC seeks to represent all professions targeted by HSPA but may admit new council members as it sees fit.
    2. Students must be considering or currently pursuing a doctoral-level healthcare degree in the United States.
  2. Existing council members may elect to continue serving until they have completed their health professional education.
  3. Students wishing to join the council can apply by submitting a letter of interest and resume.
    1. Applications will be accepted from April 15 through May 31.
    2. The Student Advisory Council will review all applications for Council membership and vote on candidates at the April SAC meeting. In the case of a tie vote, the HPSA Executive Director will be allotted a vote to break the tie.
    3. All applicants will be notified of the decision on their application by June 15.
  4. Selected members will be subject to identity verification and required to complete a volunteer non-disclosure agreement.
  5. The SAC will elect a president, vice president, and secretary at their second meeting.
    1. The president will preside over meetings.
    2. The secretary will capture meeting minutes and distribute them to the SAC.
    3. The vice president will serve as the president or secretary in the case that either member is unable to attend a meeting.
  6. Upon request, SAC members may receive a certification of their volunteer hours.
  7. Meetings
    1. SAC meets remotely on a monthly basis.
    2. SAC members may schedule and conduct other meetings as deemed necessary.
  8. Activities
    1. SAC members will receive monthly updates from HPSA management on projects.
    2. SAC will annually review the current and planned list of HPSA programs and projects and provide feedback and recommendations on prioritization.
    3. SAC members will actively seek feedback from the pre-health and health professional community on what resources are needed and submit these recommendations to HPSA management and board.
    4. SAC members may be asked to represent HPSA at events and to draft thank you notes to HPSA donors and sponsors.
    5. SAC may engage in other activities as it sees fit, subject to approval by the HPSA board.

General Timeline of Activities and Deliverables

Timeframe Task Deliverable
May 1. Conduct initial meeting
2. Provide biography and photo for inclusion on HPSA website
3. Review after-action report (AAR) from prior year SAC
4. Review current project list
1. Bios and photos of SAC
2. Determine any procedural changes based on AAR
3. Recommendations/ feedback on project list
June 1. Elect president, vice president, and secretary
2. Review current project list
1. Election of president, vice president, and secretary
2. Recommendations/ feedback on project list
July 1. Review current project list 1. Recommendations/ feedback on project list
August 1. Review current project list 1. Recommendations/ feedback on project list
September 1. Review current project list 1. Recommendations/ feedback on project list
October 1. Review current project list 1. Recommendations/ feedback on project list
November 1. Review HPSA plan for the following year and provide recommendations 1. Recommendations/ feedback on HPSA plan
January 1. Review current project list 1. Recommendations/ feedback on project list
February 1. Recruit potential SAC members for next year
2. Review current project list
1. Recommendations/ feedback on project list
March 1. Recruit potential SAC members for next year
2. Review Advisor of the Year nominations
3. Review current project list
1. Advisor of the Year winners
2. Recommendations/ feedback on project list
April 1. Review SAC applications
2. Recommend potential new HPSA board members
3. Review current project list
4. Draft an after-action report on the year’s activities and recommendations for the next SAC
1. Selection of new SAC members
2. Recommendations for HPSA board members
3. After Action Report
4. Recommendations/ feedback on project list